
i hate to complain, but...

i hate to complain, but...

that is a freaking LIE! anyone who mutters that line... telling a lie! have you ever heard anyone mutter those words and look at them just knowing that you were listening to them complain yesterday, and you will be listening to them complain tomorrow!

so, i have been thinking about home much i complain and really, I complain too much - without even thinking about it, i complain... and i offer WAY TO MUCH information when I do...


someone: "how have you been..."

me: "fucking ready to go nuts - kids, school, husband..." 'oh someone, you weren't really asking to know were you? just polite conversation, OOPS!!'


someone: "how are the kids..."

me: "they haven't quit crapping for a week - stomach flu. the boy had diarrhea so bad the other night..." 'someone, what's wrong - do you feel okay... you look a little pale - like you're going to be sick...'


someone: "big plans for the weekend..."

me: "oh, you mean besides laundry, studying, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning..." 'oh, you don't really give a shit do you?'


Yep, I really do, I complain way tooooo much... I'm going to quit - seriously -

But, first... just let me tell you about the asshole that was in front of me at the grocery checkout this afternoon...


The Girl said...

You complain on baby, it's your God given right as a woman with two little ones !!!!!!!! Wait until there teenagers. It won't be complaining,it'll be called "raging"

Laura said...

I am an incessant complainer. I love it, I'm not ashamed.
