
Sometimes... I'm dumb

I should really learn to shut-up. Seriously.

I was feeling kinda close to my husband tonight - sitting around talking. He is telling me about his blog - telling me that I should get a blog. I admitted that I have a blog. That I have had a blog. My 'diary' blog - so I can't share - you understand, right?

Now, he is mad that I didn't share.

"I'm keeping secrets"

Have a feeling this isn't going to turn out well.

I'm going to shut up now. Too late though.


Evil Twin's Wife said...

Uh oh. Sorry you're in the middle of this. The Evil Twin has known about mine since the beginning, because I'm terrible at keeping anything to myself. LOL.

YO Adrienne said...

I never told him about it because it's kind of like my diary ... even though other people read it.

He can't read it. It has crap about him in here. And his parents. And our kids. And - can't I have anything for myself????

I should learn when to keep my big mouth shut already!!!

The Girl said...

Ewww, Yikes. The Asshole obviously doesn't know about mine. Hope he gets over it :)

Elle said...

Aack. Don't know what to tell you about this one...I just hope it works itself out so that everybody's happy. :)

Warped Mind of Ron said...

Distract him with bacon! Or whatever else may get his attention. It's a proven fact that men can only maintain a few trains of thought that are not related to sex.

prashant said...

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